Tucson Bees & Wasps | Identification, Risks & Safe Removal
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Bees & Wasps

Southern Arizona is home to more than 1,000 native pollinators making it one of the most pollinator dense regions in the entire world. Although not native to southern Arizona, honeybees are now included in these numbers and can play an important role in our ecosystem and local agriculture. However, research from the University of Arizona indicates that 100% of our wild honeybee colonies in southern Arizona are considered Africanized (Killer) Honeybees and should be treated accordingly to prevent harm to people and pests.

If you suspect that there is a honeybee colony or wasp nest in or around your home, you should contact us immediately and one of our highly trained technicians will:

  • Inspection and identify the infestation.
  • Discuss their findings with you and provide treatment options/recommendations.
  • Perform the agreed upon treatment to ensure the safety of you and your family.
  • Provide recommendations for preventing future infestations.

Provide recommendations for preventing future infestations.

It’s very common to have honeybee activity around your home as they perform their pollinating and foraging tasks. However, a large swarm or ball of honeybees on your house or several honeybees coming in and out of voids in walls or trees should be cause for alarm. Wasps flying around outside can also be common, but if you see them hanging upside down under patios or flying around inside the home, a professional should be called.

Specific Signs of Bee Infestation

Africanized bees live in colonies with thousands of members split into three castes – A queen, male drones, and female workers. At least once a year, typically in the Spring, new queens are anointed and, along with hundreds of workers and drones, leave their hives to establish a new colony. This process is called swarming, and once a swarm lands and begins to establish a new hive the workers become very defensive of their colony. Popular locations for new hives include:

  • Protected eaves of structures. Homeowners will typically see a “ball” of bees on the eaves.
  • Inside the external walls of a structure. They typically enter through a small gap in the flashing or side of the wall.
  • Inside cinderblock walls, water meters, irrigation boxes, or stored items around the exterior of a home. Homeowners will notice hundreds of bees consistently flying in and out of a small opening throughout the daylight hours.
  • Inside voids in trees or in high branches on trees. Africanized honeybees have adapted to be comfortable building their hives on open, unprotected branches

Africanized Bees

Africanized honeybees were developed in Brazil in the 1950’s in an attempt to increase honey production. The goal was to cross-breed African honeybees, which were known to be sturdier, but more aggressive due to the climates from which they evolved, with the less aggressive and domesticated European honeybees. However, 26 African queen bees were accidentally released in 1957 and began to produce a new hybrid population with feral bees in Brazil. Since that time, they aggressively made their way up South America and Central America. Africanized honeybees were first reported in Arizona around 1993 and can now be found throughout the state. Studies out of the University of Arizona suggest that nearly 100% of the feral honey bee population in Southern Arizona are Africanized bees. More recent research suggests that Africanized bees are beginning to take over our native pollinators and change our ecosystem.

Africanized honeybees are extremely aggressive defenders of their colonies. While their colony might send a couple of dozen bees to attack a threat, an Africanized honeybee colony will send hundreds. Although the venom of an Africanized honeybee sting isn’t any more potent than the European honeybee, the number of potential stings is what can make their attacks deadly. Africanized honeybees tend to be more sensitive to noises and have a larger alarm zone than European honeybees. Africanized honeybees are also known to pursue a threat over a greater distance than European honeybees—sometimes more than a quarter of a mile from their hive.” Due to their aggressive behavior, the State of Arizona has deemed feral honeybee colonies a public nuisance, and dangerous to public health and property owners are responsible for having the bees treated. Never attempt to treat a bee colony on your own. Always call a professional bee control specialist that has the skills and knowledge to properly control the colony and reduce the risk to the public.

What to do if you’re attacked?

If you are ever attacked by bees you should immediately run in a straight line while trying to cover your face for the nearest shelter such as a car, house, or building of any kind and close the door behind you. Try not lead the bees toward other groups of people if possible. Never jump into a pool or other body of water as the bees will hover over you waiting for you to resurface. Once safely inside, proceed to remove as many stingers as possible using a credit card or something similar to scrape them away. Avoid squeezing the stinger with tweezers as this can squeeze more venom into you. If you are experiencing any symptoms of an allergic reaction call 911 immediately.*

*Disclaimer: The content about bee and wasp sting treatments is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a medical professional with questions you have regarding pest stings/bites and/or allergic reactions.

Tucson Bee Removal & Wasp Control Services

Bill’s Home Service Company provides a pest control approach that examines active or potential pest activity outside and inside your home. For example, while we might find hives outside, we also check inside the house for signs of further bee infestations or the possibility that one could occur. We make sure that if a bee removal service plan is needed that we tailor it to meet your specific needs, including using non-chemical treatments when possible Bill’s Home Service guarantees our service and will work to meet your satisfaction.

What Makes Our Technicians So Well Qualified?

Our technicians are certified and trained in incorporating environmentally friendly pest management techniques for bee removal to minimize risk to your family, pets, property, and environment. Our technicians conduct pest management treatment by using chemical, non-chemical, or a combination of both, depending on what is needed. They are also trained to recognize areas of pest activity and only treat those areas.

Once we treat the pre-existing infestation of bees and wasps, we can offer our Pest Plus Program, which provides extra levels of protection to keep Africanized honeybees and wasps at bay. Contact the professionals at Bill’s Home Service Company to help with a bee or wasp infestation or learn about our Pest Plus Program. Get your FREE Estimate today!

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    Jake Swinehart
    Service Technician

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