Pest Control Blog | Bill's Home Service


Common Arizona Summer Pests and How To Prevent Them

The hottest weather of the year has arrived. With that comes critters and crawling things. There are pests of all kinds in Arizona, but these are the most common. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent them from infiltrating your home. Scorpions Scorpions are scary-looking, and for good reason. They can deliver a painful and serious sting. At […]

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Signs of a Harvester Ant Infestation

Harvester ants may not be as destructive as termites or carpenter ants. But, they are aggressive and are known to sting when provoked. If they invade your property, you need to take action to get rid of them as soon as possible. But, first you need to recognize that you have a problem. Here are some telltale […]

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Five Facts About Centipedes in Arizona

Thousands of centipede species travel the earth, and Arizona is definitely home to some of them. In our state, there are three fairly common species. You may have found one or more of these on your property or in your home. First is the house centipede (Scutigera coleoptrata). Then there are two species of desert centipede: […]

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Types of Scorpions Found in Arizona

With several dozen species of scorpions native to Arizona, these arachnids are unfortunately common in Southern Arizona. They can creep around in your yard or throughout your home and may sting you when you least expect it. All species have an identifiable tail that carries venom as well as pincer-like claws that protrude from the […]

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Do I Have Ants or Termites?

At Bill’s Home Service Company, we do a lot of pest control. The Arizona climate seems to be the perfect breeding ground for all sorts of pests that you don’t want in your home. One of the more frequent calls we receive is from customers who don’t quite know what type of pest they have, […]

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